Our Rates
Per Hour
7:30am - 5:30pm
Excludes GST
Call out and first hour of labour: $130.00
Additional hours of labour: $90.00
Minimum charge is one hour
All work guaranteed
Per Hour
7:30am - 5:30pm
Excludes GST
Call out and first hour of labour: $145.00
Additional hours of labour: $110.00
Minimum charge is one hour
All work guaranteed
After Hours
Per Hour
5:30pm - 7:30am
Excludes GST
Call out and first hour of labour: $205
Additional hours of labour: $170.00 Minimum charge is one hour
All work guaranteed
Statutory Hours
Per Hour
At Request - Call to discuss
Excludes GST
Call out and first hour of labour: $560
Additional hours of labour: $270.00
Minimum charge is one hour
All work guaranteed
Important info when booking a job with us
Our billable time starts when our tradesman is on their way to your house or site, or on the way to collect gear to complete your job. If they are coming straight from the workshop, then the time starts from when they leave the workshop. If this is an after hours job, the time starts from when our on call person leaves their house.
Our billable time ends as soon as we leave your house or site and our paperwork is completed. We will be required to return plant and materials back to our workshop or wholesaler in which case our billable time will end once this has been completed. If this is an after hours job, our billable time ends when our on call person returns home.
Our minimum charge is one hour which needs to take into account the above. If the job goes over an hour, we continue to charge on an hourly basis until works is completed. Our first hour charge includes our vehicle cost and for every hour after this, you will be charged at the standard hourly rate for the work that has been completed.